Search the galaxy for a ghost in Borderlands 3

Searching the galaxy for a ghost in Borderlands 3 is not as easy as you might think. The exact location of “ghosts” in the “galaxy” is unknown. They can appear anywhere, most likely around the areas having a more significant number of enemies. To head start the new quest and search the galaxy for a ghost , go to your Sanctuary III boat and discover Maurice’s area in Borderlands 3 . When you address them, they’ll offer you the journey which will expect you to search the galaxy for ghosts . So, you should gather their Hecktoplasm, kill them, and collect the creepy substance back from their dead bodies. The ghosts can be identified from the rest of the enemies by a shiny green emanating around them. At whatever point you see an enemy lined with green, shoot them, and then collect the skull that erupts from their dead body. After that, you need to make sure that you have reached the Maurice on Sanctuary to begin the ghost hunt on Borderlands 3. Now, it’s time to get ready for searchi...